– Partner of the Firm REQUENA ABOGADOS, S.C.
– Law Degree from Universidad Panamericana (UP).
– Expert in matters related to Procedural Fraud, Corporate Criminal Liability or Criminal Compliance, Environmental Criminal Liability, Computer and Personal Data Criminal Liability, Financial Criminal Liability and Criminal Liability of Public Servants, among others.


– Professor of Criminal Law in the Universidad Panamericana (UP).
– Guest Professor of the Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales (INACIPE), (National Criminal Sciences Institute).
– Guest Professor of Emory Law School, Course on Technical Skills and Oral Litigation, Atlanta, USA.
– Professor of the Diploma in the Adversarial System and Oral Proceedings, Universidad Panamericana (UP).
– Author of the book: “Fraude Procesal, Dolo en los procedimientos administrativos y judiciales” (Procedural Fraud, Willful Intent in administrative and judicial procedures), Porrúa Publishing House.
– Author of the book: “Gobernanza, Reto en la relación Estado-Sociedad” (Governance, Challenge in State-Society relations), Lid Publishing House.
– Author of the Book: “CiudadMX 360, Modelo de ciudad Inteligente” (Mexico City 360, Smart City Model), Lid Publishing House.
– Author of the Book: “Fraude Procesal, Leyes para Tu Bien” (Procedural Fraud, Laws for your Well-being), Thomson Reuters Publishing House.
– Founder of “Leyes para tu Bien®” (Laws for your Well-being), #LeyesParaTuBien.
– Trial Techniques and Advocacy Skills Instructor’s Program, for Emory University School of Law.
– Author of the book: “Nacionalismos Emergentes” (Emerging Nationalisms), Lid Publishing House.
– Independent Board Member, by the Instituto Mexicano de Mejores Prácticas Corporativas, A.C. (IMMPC), (Mexican Institute of Best Corporate Practices).
– Anti-Corruption Diploma from the International Chamber of Commerce Mexico (ICC México) and the Universidad Panamericana (UP).
– Diploma in Money Laundering Prevention by the Colegio de Contadores Públicos de México, (College of Public Accountants of Mexico).
– Author of the book: “Compliance Legal de la Empresa” (Corporate Legal Compliance), Lid Publishing House.
– Lecturer on diverse topics.
– Article writer for several magazines and specialized platforms.
– Professor in Master of Business Law: Course, “Corporate Criminal Liability Case” at the Universidad Panamericana (UP), Campus Mexico City and Campus Guadalajara City.
– Professor in Master in Anticorruption, Course: “Criminal Aspects in the Fight against Corruption” at the School of Government and Economics, Universidad Panamericana (UP), Campus Mexico City.
– Professor of the Seminar on Corporate Criminal Liability and Crisis Management at the Universidad Panamericana (UP), University Law School, Campus CDMX.
– Author of the book: “El Populismo, Una estrategia de Movilización Política” (Populism, A Political Mobilization Strategy), Lid Publishing House.
– Author of the book: “La ilicitud, Razonamientos, reflexiones y experiencias entre juristas” (Unlawfulness, Reasonings, Reflections and Experiences among Jurists), Ubijus Publishing House.
– Co-author of the book: “Compliance Organizacional, Gestión de Riesgos” (Organizational Compliance, Risk Management), Ubijus Publishing House.
– Co-author of the book: “Habilidades y perfil para el CMS (Compliance Management System) (Skills and profile for CMS (Compliance Management System)), Ubijus Publishing House.


– Board Member of México Unido Contra la Delincuencia (MUCD), (Mexico United Against Delinquency).
– Board Member of the Instituto Mexicano de Mejores Prácticas Corporativas (IMMPC), (Mexican Institute of Best Corporate Practices), Mexico City.
– Member of the Barra Mexicana, Colegio de Abogados de México (BMA), (Mexican Bar Association).
– Coordinator of the Criminal Law Commission of the Barra Mexicana, Colegio de Abogados de México (BMA), (Mexican Bar Association), for the period 2008-2012.
– Counselor of the Asociación Nacional de Abogados de Empresa (ANADE), (National Association of Corporate Attorneys) 2022-2024.
– Member of the Asociación Nacional de Abogados de Empresa (ANADE), (National Association of Corporate Attorneys).
– Board Member of the US-Mexico Bar Association (USMBA) for the year 2014.
– Was member of the International Bar Association (IBA).
– Was member of the American Bar Association (ABA).
– Vice President of the Asociación Mexicana de Integridad y Compliance (AMEXICOM), (Criminal Compliance at the Mexican Association of Integrity and Compliance).


– Criminology in the Centro Internacional de Estudios Superiores, A.C., (International Center for Higher Education).
– Human and Civil Rights, in the International Academy for Leadership of the Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung in the Federal German Republic.
– Management Program for Lawyers at YALE School of Management, USA.
– Vice-President Hospitality of the Mexico City Chapter of Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO), for the period 2008-2009.
– Speaker in the Forum “El Fraude Procesal en Materia Laboral” (Procedural Fraud in Labor Matters) in the State of Mexico 2014.
– Training for Trainers in Adversarial Criminal System Matters, at the Centro de Estudios de Justicia de las Américas (CEJA) (Center of Justice Studies of the Americas), in the city of Santiago de Chile.
– Advanced Cross-Examination Techniques, at California Western School of Law, San Diego, USA.
– Litigation Techniques in Oral Proceedings, at the California Western School of Law and the Instituto de Estudios Comparados en Ciencias Penales y Sociales (INECIP) (Institute of Comparative Studies in Criminal and Social Sciences), in the city of Rosario, Argentina.
– Certified Trainer in the Adversarial System of Criminal Justice, at the Secretaría Técnica (SETEC) (Technical Secretary), 2012-2014.
– Adversarial Criminal System, X Annual Litigation Summit, of the Latin American Bar Association (LABA).
– Member of the Workshop for preparation of exams in relation to the adversarial criminal system of the Institute of Federal Judiciary-Judicial School.
– Seminar on Legal Obligations of Companies, ANADE.
– Seminar on Prevention of Money-Laundering in the Company, THOMSON REUTERS.
– Techniques for interviewing and detecting deceit, ASIS International.
– Corporate Governance at YALE School of Management, USA.
– Criminal Liability of Legal Entities, PGR-INACIPE.
– Military Criminal Law, PGR-INACIPE.
– Seminar on “Competitive Strategy and Sustainable Competitive Advantage”, YPO/WPO and Harvard Business School.
– Seminar on “Criminal Liability of Legal Entities “, ITAM.
– Advanced Negotiation Program, The University of Michigan.
– Crisis Management and Business Continuity, at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA.
– Graduate of the Program “Advice in Action” in the IPADE Business School.
– Certification in Corporate Crisis Management: Mastering the skills to prevent disasters in the Company, ASIS International, Mexico Chapter.


– Criminal Attorney writes articles in #RedForbes in FORBES México.
– Criminal Lawyer, former collaborating columnist in EL SEMANARIO, column #AcciónSocial.
– He collaborated as a columnist in El ECONOMISTA.
– Criminal Lawyer, columnist #DerechoReservado.


– Pro Bono Award 2010 granted by the Barra Mexicana, Colegio de Abogados (BMA), (Mexican Bar Association).
– Procuraduría General de Justicia del Distrito Federal (PGJDF) (1993), (Federal District Attorney General).
– Handling of Pro Bono matters in benefit of Public Assistance.
– Support to the Fundación Barra Mexicana (FBM), (Mexican Bar Foundation) for the attention of the Pro Bono legal affairs.

Our Mission

The full satisfaction and confidence of our Clients, providing them with them high quality, ethical and professional legal services in the areas of Criminal Law: consulting, litigation, strategic negotiation and crisis management in a litigation context.

Respond to constant challenges of personal growth and professional advancement in a complex and highly competitive social environment, with ever-expanding legislation


Professional Excellence and Quality | Tenacity and Ethical Soundness | Organizational Capacity
Specialized Training | Confidentiality | Humanism and Shared Values